Monday, December 13, 2010




Monday, December 6, 2010

Composition 3


Wednesday, November 24, 2010




Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010


きょうわたしは七じにおきました。まゆは9じはんにおきました。トレーダージョーズへいきました。みかんをreturnしました。みかんはオーガニックじゃありませんでした。そして、アッパーイーストサイドへあるいていきました。ベーグルを食べました。yummy!スーパーへも行きました。ケーキを買いました。あまい!!!やきうどんととりにくパルメザンを食べました。うちでつくりました。パンプキンエールを飲みました。いっぱい食べました。いまカモミールティーをのみます。あしたはアメリカンフットボールを見ます。いまフィアンセのおかあさんはきょうとにいます。あしたおかあさんはしゃしんをおくります。I'll post a picture or two tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Composition 2






Katakana Analysis Draft

The word デブ in Japanese means "fat" or "chubby," with a negative connotation.  The reason that I know of it is because my かのじょ calls me it whenever I eat something that I shouldn't be.  In fact, she enjoys saying it so frequently that I'm quite sure it's become my nickname.  Thus, I figured why not research the word, and low and behold I discovered that it is written in カタカナ.  According to numerous sources found on, デブ is a slang noun.  Interestingly enough, if your name is Deb, your カタカナ name is デブ.

Unsurprisingly, the above カタカナ refers to ice cream, which is a borrowed word from America.  There is no word for ice cream in Japanese, so when にほんじん are looking for a tasty frozen treat, in their heads, they're thinking about "ice cream."  It turns out, that since ice cream is an imported idea, unlike rice, tea, or mochi, the Japanese didn't have a native term for it.  Katakana fills the void and allows Japanese to communicate globally without the need for committees to be formed on deciding what new things should be called.  As a side note, the Japanese apparently like ice cream, with two in five consuming ice cream regularly.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010



I'm still excited about learning にほんご, though my brain is starting to hurt from all of the vocabulary I have to remember.  I've learned so much, but it's challenging to write entries entirely in にほんご.  I'm sure it won't be long before I can write more in にほんご.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Learning Japanese

The language requirement at Columbia was not something I was looking forward to.  I had taken Spanish throughout high school, which was taught to me by a native french speaker, and left little for me to desire.  I purposefully scoured SSOL late in the registration period to conveniently discover no sections of Spanish open.  While Spanish is a very important language in our society, I felt that I could easily continue learning it without necessarily studying it at Columbia.

The alternative of studying Japanese came to me after a series of events which started by observing my roommate as he studied the language rigorously.  I could clearly see that it was a lot of work, but I was intrigued by the culture, and it was obvious that he was excited about opening this other world.  Shortly thereafter, I met my girlfriend, who happens to be a native Japanese speaker from Kansai.  I've made a commitment to understanding her culture, and it seemed logical to take advantage of Columbia's exceptional Japanese Department to learn the language.

After only a few lessons, it's amazing how much I've learned.  I've even shown off my new talents to my girlfriend's mom in Japan via Skype.  I'm excited to keep on learning and hope to have enough ability to communicate when I go to Japan next year.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

みて ください


わたしは じょん です

わたし は にほんご の がくせい です

じゃあ また